More people die from diseases caused by untreated water, unsanitary conditions, and animal/ human proximity than any other causes of disease in the world.
In rural Vietnam, the parasitic disease rate is 78% and the infectious disease rate is 85% among women and children. The World Health Organization set the goal of reducing such water-borne diseases by 2020. Listening to Dragonflies focuses on three of the WHO goals: building local health infrastructure by training women health advocates at the local level, conducting research on health behavior change to discover what works in the developing world, and using community outreach to establish new norms of health practices.
In rural Vietnam, the parasitic disease rate is 78% and the infectious disease rate is 85% among women and children. The World Health Organization set the goal of reducing such water-borne diseases by 2020. Listening to Dragonflies focuses on three of the WHO goals: building local health infrastructure by training women health advocates at the local level, conducting research on health behavior change to discover what works in the developing world, and using community outreach to establish new norms of health practices.